How about flossing also? [lol] Maybe MD's and all their hanger on's in hospitals/offices should have to brush their teeth a couple of times a day rather than wear those nearly useless blue surgical masks.

They have also discovered that poor dental health can contribute to heart and other issues also.

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“For patients in the ICU, the toothbrushing was associated with a 19% reduced risk of death in the ICU (studies of other patients did not include data on mortality). These ICU patients who had their teeth brushed also tended to spend less time on the mechanical ventilator and less time in the ICU than those who didn’t get their teeth brushed.”

Isn’t the second part somewhat concerning? Ie if any obvious causal mechanism for why toothbrushing should reduce time on a ventilator (is there?), then doesn’t it seem more likely that there is some other confounder that is causing both the reduced ventilator time AND the reduced pneumonia risk?

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*there isn’t

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